My Stable
Advanced Facilities
[#1504] Sauteur Breed
Founded by: JustJumpIt1
Bone Rules: All bone weights allowed.
Size Rules: All heights allowed.
Breed Tattoo: No default tattoo.
Light Boned

National Light

National Light

National Light

National Medium

National Medium

National Medium

National Heavy

National Heavy

National Heavy
Age: Archived Height: 15.3 Bone: Heavy (2.90) Era:4 (What are eras?) | Id Number: 572767 Birthday: Oct. 31, 2016 Foals This Year: 0 Owned by: The Archive Bred by: JustJumpIt1 |
Gender: Mare | Breed: Sauteur Draft Characteristic: National Heavy Color: White Spotted Chestnut Sabino Frame Location: The Archive: 1 Foal |
Level: A Level
Grade: Regional |
Training: Needs Trained Earnings this year: 0 hb's Points this year: 0.0 Total earnings: 175 hb's Total points: 12 Daily Payout: 1 hb's |
Testing Score: Yellow papered | |
Performance Test Grade: 9.90 | |
Consistency: Consistent | |
Owner's Notes:Special Create Public Broodmare |
Breeder Club RegistriesYou should enter this horse in some clubs. |
Somatic Tattoos![]() ![]() |
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Phenotype: White Spotted Chestnut Sabino Frame
Pigment Modifiers
- Black: e/e
- Bay(Agouti): A/A
- Cream: -/-
- Dun: -/-
- Gray: -/-
- Silver: -/-
- Champagne: -/-
- Tiger Eye: -/-
- HMGA2 Height Regulator: -/-
- Mushroom: -/-
- Agouti Promoter: -/-
- Dun Factor Promoter: -/-
- Gray Reduction: -/-
- Dense Pheomelanin: -/-
- Sooty: -/-
- Flaxen: -/-
- Pangare: p/p
- Pigment Density Regulator: -/-
- Satin: -/-
- Chocolate: -/-
- Progressive Darkening: -/-
- Platinum: -/-
- Chinchilla: -/-
- Axiom: -/-
- Rainbow Riot: -/-
- Rainbow Riot 2: -/-
White Markings
- Kit Genes: SB1/W2
- Splash: -/-
- Splash 2: -/-
- Appaloosa: -/-
- Appaloosa Blanket Size: -/-
- Frame: O/-
- Snowflake Varnish: -/-
- Varnish Regulator 2: -/-
- Appaloosa Spot Regulator: -/-
- Rabicano: -/-
- Gulastra Plume: -/-
- Kit Promoter: -/-
- Tobiano Modifier: -/-
- Ice: -/-
- Phantom: -/-
Additional Info
- White Factor: Light
- Seed: 926382
Purple Genes require a gene license to purchase, Orange Genes can only be purchased privately or via the auction. Glowing Genes are fantasy genes.
URL only (for Facebook)
Sired by: Foundation Horse and Out of: Foundation Horse
View Extended Pedigree
Black Warmblood |
Black Warmblood |
Black Warmblood |
Black Warmblood | ||
Black Warmblood |
Black Warmblood |
Black Warmblood | ||
Black Warmblood |
Black Warmblood |
Black Warmblood |
Black Warmblood | ||
Black Warmblood |
Black Warmblood |
Black Warmblood |
Class Name | Date | Level/Grade | Placing | Score | |||||||||||||||||||||||||

View all my Owned Genetic Material.
Owned By Me:
Embryo Count | Sire | Dam | Label | Expiration | Implant |
Owned By Others:
Embryo Count | Sire | Dam | Expiration | Owner |
View all my Owned Genetic Material.
Tack showing on this horse
Long Straight Tail | ||||||||
Fancy Running Braid | ||||||||
Clear Hoof Polish | ||||||||
Build-A-Bridle: Browband Rhinestone | 28619F | 00BCFF | 9ADDFF | |||||
Build-A-Bridle: Hanger | A1593B | A1593B | ||||||
Build-A-Bridle: Bit Pelham | B69F5A | B69F5A | B69F5A | |||||
Build-A-Bridle: Noseband Patent | A1593B | 28619F | A1593B | |||||
Build-A-Bridle: Reins Curb | A1593B | A1593B | ||||||
Build-A-Bridle: Reins Snaffle | A1593B | A1593B | ||||||
WCT: Mane Bells | ||||||||
Star Quarter Mark | E8F9FF | 2F2F2F | E8F9FF | |||||
WCT: Plaid Neck Sash | ||||||||
WCT: Plaid Tail Bow | ||||||||
WCT: Plaid Neck Bow | ||||||||
Winter Wonderland: Crystal Forest | FFFFFF | FFFFFF | FFFFFF |


Kit Promoter 2

Phantom Lace


Phantom Heart

Appaloosa Spot Regulator 1


White 8

Kit Promoter 2


Rainbow Riot Paintbrush Warm

Phantom Shamrock

Jewel Box

The Stable Block
Sooty Plus

White 10

Gulastra Plume

Tiger Eye 1

Phantom Shamrock

Rainbow Riot 2 Ink Spot

You can now set the image age of your horse under the tack tab.

Kit Promoter 2

Phantom Lace


Phantom Heart

Appaloosa Spot Regulator 1


White 8

Kit Promoter 2


Rainbow Riot Paintbrush Warm

Phantom Shamrock

Jewel Box

The Stable Block
Sooty Plus

White 10

Gulastra Plume

Tiger Eye 1

Phantom Shamrock

Rainbow Riot 2 Ink Spot

You can now set the image age of your horse under the tack tab.

Kit Promoter 2

Phantom Lace


Phantom Heart

Appaloosa Spot Regulator 1


Total Stalls Earned: 0