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FOREST SERVER | Year: 141 Era: 16

Official Trophy List

List Of Awards

Showing All Awards for Year 137 Satin Breeder's Club

Top Producing Stallion

Champion: HF A Sure Thing owned by Kismet
Number 2: CW STYGIAN DB owned by Cottonwoods
Number 3: CW CHOCOLATE CHIPS DB owned by Cottonwoods
Number 4: Agamemnon DB owned by Gracie3B
Number 5: KBS Valentino owned by Kismet
Number 6: KBS Razzle owned by KenworthFarms
Number 7: $$FS Defiant Future E0 owned by VenomVixen
Number 8: CW BLACK DIAMOND DB owned by Cottonwoods
Number 9: BSA Switchback S154 owned by KenworthFarms
Number 10: KBS Moonstone owned by Kismet

Top Producing Mare

Champion: CW BLACK ICE DB owned by Cottonwoods
Number 2: CW GLIMMER DB owned by Cottonwoods
Number 3: KBS Fiona owned by Kismet
Number 4: Anthropoid DB owned by Gracie3B
Number 5: Imitations DB owned by Gracie3B
Number 6: KBS Flaire owned by Kismet
Number 7: CW MOONRISE DB owned by Cottonwoods
Number 8: $$RR Future Dimension owned by VenomVixen
Number 9: 0PuHF SurelyAHeartbreaker owned by Ellesmere022
Number 10: KBS Lady Luck owned by Kismet

Highest PT Of the Year

Champion: Arachne DB owned by Gracie3B
Number 2: $RR Defiantly Dimensional owned by VenomVixen
Number 3: Elixir b5 owned by Gracie3B
Number 4: Lithium b5 owned by Gracie3B
Number 5: 12891771 45 days Sba owned by Swancy
Number 6: RLB Threat Proof owned by RLazyBRanch
Number 7: CW BOOST AND CLONE owned by Cottonwoods
Number 8: 12891703 45 days owned by Swancy
Number 9: 12890287 owned by Cottonwoods
Number 10: CW Celestial Bronze owned by Cottonwoods

Most Points Earned by Foundation Horse

Champion: RS PoppyWhiteSASAPrl1 B owned by HeavenlyHooves
Number 2: HF See Spot Run E14 owned by HighstormFarm
Number 3: BV Chief TC owned by BlueValley
Number 4: GIFT L3GMT Af MUSADP owned by DoubleMash2
Number 5: GIFT L2 - Spring Break owned by Newamber
Number 6: 1 MU satin gold owned by Skylight
Number 7: BV Perseverance U owned by BlueValley
Number 8: BV Myxiniformia U owned by BlueValley
Number 9: GIFT L3 - Spessartine owned by whywishesarehorses
Number 10: Bold Heart 1X owned by OndowaStables

Most Points Earned by 2nd Gen Horse

Champion: Record Missing owned by Dinascar
Number 2: zz MMM3 RedwoodPath owned by OndowaStables
Number 3: Record Missing owned by BlueValley
Number 4: mmm2 irish rainbow owned by BlueValley
Number 5: 2GBC ApoluneRosetta11120244 owned by Swancy
Number 6: ZS Involvement Crouching owned by Zuulai
Number 7: 12134768 owned by OndowaStables
Number 8: 10490725 owned by TwistedArrowEquine
Number 9: mmm2 springtime sunrise owned by BlueValley
Number 10: Record Missing owned by Slinkhound

Most Points Earned by Lined Horse

Champion: Record Missing owned by Dinascar
Number 2: DC 10607801super owned by Dinascar
Number 3: Record Missing owned by Dinascar
Number 4: 10646091 owned by Dinascar
Number 5: Record Missing owned by Dinascar
Number 6: DC11554872 owned by Dinascar
Number 7: DC 11642587 owned by Dinascar
Number 8: Record Missing owned by Dinascar
Number 9: Record Missing owned by Dinascar
Number 10: Record Missing owned by Dinascar