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FOREST SERVER | Year: 141 Era: 16

Official Trophy List

List Of Awards

Showing All Awards for Year 53 Gulastra Plume Breeder's Club

Top Producing Stallion

Champion: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 2: 7 Gulastra Serenity PFBB owned by PaintsStables
Number 3: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 4: 5 Gimme Gave Gulastra BPF owned by PaintsStables
Number 5: 4 Gimme Gulastra BB owned by PaintsStables
Number 6: 6 GulastraBurnedRock PFBB owned by PaintsStables
Number 7: 7 Gulastra Tag Spots BB owned by PaintsStables
Number 8: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 9: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 10: 4 Storm Mud Gulastra BPF owned by PaintsStables

Top Producing Mare

Champion: 7 Moonloom Gulastra BPFBB owned by PaintsStables
Number 2: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 3: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 4: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 5: 7 Maria Rocks Gulastra PF owned by PaintsStables
Number 6: Record Missing owned by Breezey11
Number 7: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 8: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 9: 6 Looming Gulastra owned by PaintsStables
Number 10: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables

Highest PT Of the Year

Champion: 7 GP Rock Investor BPF owned by PaintsStables
Number 2: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 3: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 4: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 5: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 6: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 7: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 8: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 9: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 10: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables

Most Points Earned by Foundation Horse

Champion: Record Missing owned by Maribo
Number 2: Record Missing owned by Pagan_2
Number 3: The Oncoming Storm owned by Wildland Acres
Number 4: Record Missing owned by Pagan_2
Number 5: Record Missing owned by Pagan_2
Number 6: 01 Gp Sweet Sweet Geisha owned by Maribo
Number 7: GP Daintree Oolong owned by Cheers
Number 8: Record Missing owned by Kinetic
Number 9: Record Missing owned by Maribo
Number 10: 1G StateOfOriginAxAtDPGP owned by Cheers

Most Points Earned by 2nd Gen Horse

Champion: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 2: Record Missing owned by ParadisePark
Number 3: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 4: Record Missing owned by Maribo
Number 5: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 6: Record Missing owned by MoonAcre Stables
Number 7: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 8: Record Missing owned by Maribo
Number 9: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 10: Record Missing owned by Maribo

Most Points Earned by Lined Horse

Champion: Record Missing owned by DragonRun
Number 2: Record Missing owned by Pagan_2
Number 3: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 4: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 5: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 6: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 7: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables
Number 8: Record Missing owned by Pagan_2
Number 9: Record Missing owned by Pagan_2
Number 10: Record Missing owned by PaintsStables