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FOREST SERVER | Year: 141 Era: 16

Official Trophy List

List Of Awards

Showing All Awards for Year 132 Tobiano Breeder's Club

Top Producing Stallion

Champion: Mirrored Mimicry DB owned by Gracie3B
Number 2: Odysseus DB owned by Gracie3B
Number 3: T4 Dominion 103885 owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 4: FB Atreus owned by BoredCowgirl
Number 5: Revenant DB Chi owned by Gracie3B
Number 6: VGN Vulcan Mindset owned by VenemousGiant
Number 7: BS Chains and Oaths FH owned by KatoCoyote
Number 8: New Brindle10350524 owned by Dinascar
Number 9: BS Oath Of Fire owned by Beadingterri
Number 10: VGN Fire Eater owned by VenemousGiant

Top Producing Mare

Champion: Catamaran Duran DB owned by Gracie3B
Number 2: T4 103091 owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 3: Wrath Incurred DB owned by Gracie3B
Number 4: HF Shattered Chains BS owned by LumosRain
Number 5: KBS Ingrid owned by Kismet
Number 6: T4 994592 owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 7: t4 994587 owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 8: e0 uDB Tip Top owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 9: T4 11023016 owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 10: DC 10350518 super owned by Dinascar

Highest PT Of the Year

Champion: 15G Flush owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 2: 15G Thousand owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 3: BO Belly Guarantee owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 4: 12346003 owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 5: 12346010 owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 6: 12346018 owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 7: 15G Machines owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 8: E0G2 12347064 M owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 9: Annex B5 3S HP owned by Gracie3B
Number 10: 12429538 owned by Gracie3B

Most Points Earned by Foundation Horse

Champion: FR10896003 E13 owned by darkpixe
Number 2: Amynus I owned by yellowbirdacres
Number 3: Record Missing owned by BoredCowgirl
Number 4: Record Missing owned by DragnFly
Number 5: Record Missing owned by BoredCowgirl
Number 6: RS HotH 11357784 owned by Whitesun
Number 7: FR10896025 E13 owned by darkpixe
Number 8: Record Missing owned by DragnFly
Number 9: 112 DF Lady Installed owned by DragnFly
Number 10: zz 10601798 owned by OndowaStables

Most Points Earned by 2nd Gen Horse

Champion: Record Missing owned by darkpixe
Number 2: 11498200 owned by darkpixe
Number 3: Record Missing owned by StoneRunStables
Number 4: BFF2G 11498172 owned by darkpixe
Number 5: 10322931 owned by BossScorpio
Number 6: Record Missing owned by darkpixe
Number 7: Record Missing owned by Haltanny
Number 8: 11349897 owned by OndowaStables
Number 9: Record Missing owned by darkpixe
Number 10: 9789139 owned by yellowbirdacres

Most Points Earned by Lined Horse

Champion: Record Missing owned by darkpixe
Number 2: Record Missing owned by darkpixe
Number 3: Record Missing owned by EasternShowBarn
Number 4: 10977863 E0Fut agabagax owned by darkpixe
Number 5: 11599197 BS AGA Tilt owned by darkpixe
Number 6: 11498108 owned by darkpixe
Number 7: Record Missing owned by FeldingFields
Number 8: 11498057 owned by darkpixe
Number 9: Record Missing owned by darkpixe
Number 10: Colossal Accollades owned by FeldingFields