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FOREST SERVER | Year: 141 Era: 16

Official Trophy List

List Of Awards

Showing All Awards for Year 116 Dun Breeder's Club

Top Producing Stallion

Champion: US25 MountainPeak owned by DragonRun
Number 2: US25 Everest owned by DragonRun
Number 3: US25 TopThis owned by DragonRun
Number 4: KBS Luxor owned by KenworthFarms
Number 5: S25 Irresistible owned by DragonRun
Number 6: S25 Rivendale owned by DragonRun
Number 7: KBS Sakurajima owned by Kismet
Number 8: DB FB December Nights owned by Firebrand
Number 9: S25 ClimbEveryMountain owned by DragonRun
Number 10: S25 Olympus 153 owned by DragonRun

Top Producing Mare

Champion: UG25 PickAPath owned by DragonRun
Number 2: t4 900648 owned by PestilentTempest
Number 3: KBS Ashen owned by Kismet
Number 4: UG25 SheShoots Clone owned by DragonRun
Number 5: G25 Elfred owned by DragonRun
Number 6: KBS Lovegame Intuition owned by Kismet
Number 7: t4 900822 owned by PestilentTempest
Number 8: KBS Charmed Life owned by Kismet
Number 9: KBS Dreams Do Come True owned by NorthernStars
Number 10: KBS Sincerely Yours owned by Kismet

Highest PT Of the Year

Champion: Record Missing owned by DragonRun
Number 2: Record Missing owned by DragonRun
Number 3: Record Missing owned by DragonRun
Number 4: S25 ShotInTheDark 152 owned by DragonRun
Number 5: Record Missing owned by DragonRun
Number 6: Record Missing owned by DragonRun
Number 7: Record Missing owned by DragonRun
Number 8: Record Missing owned by DragonRun
Number 9: Record Missing owned by DragonRun
Number 10: Record Missing owned by Kismet

Most Points Earned by Foundation Horse

Champion: Record Missing owned by Barnbum0407
Number 2: Record Missing owned by Dinascar22
Number 3: Record Missing owned by Dinascar22
Number 4: Record Missing owned by Katrichardson
Number 5: Record Missing owned by Dinascar22
Number 6: Record Missing owned by Dinascar22
Number 7: Record Missing owned by Katrichardson
Number 8: Record Missing owned by Barnbum47
Number 9: Record Missing owned by Sweetfire
Number 10: Record Missing owned by Barnbum0407

Most Points Earned by 2nd Gen Horse

Champion: Record Missing owned by Barnbum0407
Number 2: Record Missing owned by Barnbum0407
Number 3: Record Missing owned by Barnbum0407
Number 4: Record Missing owned by Barnbum47
Number 5: Record Missing owned by Barnbum0407
Number 6: Record Missing owned by LionSeal
Number 7: Record Missing owned by Mensie
Number 8: Record Missing owned by LionSeal
Number 9: Record Missing owned by Barnbum0407
Number 10: Record Missing owned by Pantheon

Most Points Earned by Lined Horse

Champion: Record Missing owned by Looper
Number 2: Record Missing owned by Looper
Number 3: Record Missing owned by Looper
Number 4: Record Missing owned by Looper
Number 5: Record Missing owned by Looper
Number 6: Record Missing owned by Looper
Number 7: Record Missing owned by Looper
Number 8: Show 6496086 owned by SandyHoof
Number 9: Record Missing owned by Looper
Number 10: Been one owned by Sweetfire